Landing page image

Landing page optimisation: 6 tweaks that are easy to make


Want to create a landing page that gets leads, enquiries and sales? I’ve put together six handy hints to make sure your pages are always optimised!

Many people fall into the trap that once their landing page is set up, they can forget all about it.

However, you need to keep tweaking and optimising your landing page to ensure it keeps bringing you high-quality leads.

Otherwise, you might find that all those lovely enquiries you used to get start dropping off.

The good news? Making effective changes to your landing page isn’t as hard as you might think.

I’ve put together six easy-to-implement landing page optimisation ideas that you can quickly put into action.

(Not sure what a landing page is? Check out this article!)

Improve the overall flow of your landing page

Example of a landing page

Your prospective customer’s first impressions of your landing page will determine whether they convert or not.

By making your page convincing and compelling, you’re more likely to get that all-important conversion.

The average conversion rate for a landing page is just under 6%, so if your figures are a little low, time to make some tweaks!

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • Your header. Your header is the first thing visitors will read, so it needs to show your value. How will your product or service make life easier for your target audience?
  • Your wording. Blocks of boring, unoriginal text will make your website visitors switch off. Make it exciting and relevant to your reader by selling the benefits, not the features. Good copywriting is essential!
  • How all the elements on the page work with each other. Could you have more bullet points or images to make your landing page flow better? Also, don’t forget to check how your page looks on a mobile device

Review your call to action

Example of a call-to-action button

Your call-to-action on your landing page must be as clear and understandable as possible.

Customers are impressionable and need to be told what to do next. If you don’t clearly explain the next steps after visiting your landing page, they won’t act.

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • The wording of your call-to-action. Create a sense of urgency, use emotive language, and be clear and concise
  • Where your call-to-action is located. Call-to-actions fare better when they’re shown above the fold, as they’re more likely to be seen
  • The colours you use. Test different colour call-to-action buttons with customers to see which ones lead to the most conversions
  • The size and shape of your call-to-action. Even something small like adding rounded corners to your button can have a big impact

It’s also essential to ensure you only have one call to action. 

While repeating the same call-to-action multiple times on a landing page is okay, different messages can confuse your web visitors.

According to Campaign Monitor, emails with a single call-to-action get 371% more clicks than ones with multiple messages. While this stat is for email campaigns, the same logic still applies to landing pages.

Analyse your lead capture form

Example of a landing page form

Are people loving your landing pages but just aren’t converting? It might be that your lead capture form needs amending.

You want to make sure your lead capture form is detailed enough to capture all the information you need to get valuable insight about your customers.

However, you also want it to be simple enough so people will willingly hand over their data.

(I know, it’s a lot to ask!)

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • Where your form is positioned. You want customers to be able to access your form without having to scroll too much
  • How many form fields you use. You might think that the fewer fields, the better. However, people may be happy to provide more information as they associate this with getting a higher-value lead magnet
  • Your submission button. This is essentially your call-to-action, so make sure it stands out

Look at your lead magnet

Example of a lead magnet

Your lead magnet is an item you give customers in exchange for their contact details, whether that’s an eBook, email sequence, or webinar invite.

This lead magnet needs to provide value to your prospective customer. If it doesn’t, they won’t sign up for it.

And if they do sign up for it and feel let down by it, they may quickly unsubscribe to your subsequent email marketing efforts.

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • Does your lead magnet resonate with your target audience? If it’s not of interest to them, you won’t get high-quality, well-qualified leads
  • Is it the right lead magnet? As an example, if your target audience is stay-at-home parents, they might not have the time to read a 5,000-word eBook or attend a live webinar
    Is your lead magnet boring? Your lead magnet needs to keep your audience hanging on to your every word. If it’s too dull or doesn’t tell them something interesting, they’ll delete it or log off

Think about the journey

Example of a landing page ad

Are your landing pages not reaching the right target audience? It’s worth reviewing the routes prospective customers are taking to reach them.

Whether you’re using social media posts, pay-per-click (PPC) ads, or email marketing, making changes can help bring the right traffic.

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • The wording and imagery you use on your ads or social media posts. If your click-through rate is low, making small tweaks can help you get more attention
  • The channels you’re using and how your target audience responds to them. For example, if your target audience is retirees, advertising on TikTok isn’t likely to bring you high-quality traffic
  • Whether you can introduce any new ways of advertising your landing pages. Think about your audience and the marketing channels they like to use

If you’re using email marketing to drive customers to your landing page, you can also consider

  • How often you send emails. Email too often, and you’ll frustrate your target audience, but if you don’t email enough, they might forget who you are
  • The purpose of your emails. Do you want customers to buy, sign up for a lead magnet, or make them aware of your brand?
  • What information your emails include. Think about the length, the call-to-action, and the imagery

Revisit your qualification methods

My final landing page optimisation tip? You may have had the right leads all along… you just weren’t aware of them!

Reviewing the methods you’re currently using to identify high-quality leads may mean additional customers who are ready to buy.

What to consider for landing page optimisation

  • Your target audience. Is it still the right one? Have your needs changed over time?
  • The questions you’re asking to qualify potential customers. Is it time to put together a new set of criteria?
  • What your sales and marketing team do with qualified leads. Is there anything else they can do to keep customers interested?

In conclusion: don’t be afraid to experiment!

I hope this guide has given you valuable insight into making speedy changes to your landing pages to bring in those all-important targeted leads

Bear in mind that what works for one business might not work for another when it comes to sales funnel optimisation.

Try new ideas, regularly check your metrics, and see what brings you the best results.