Looking for some prompts for LinkedIn posts? This 30-day guide will boost your engagement and fill your DMs with prospective customers!
There’s no doubt about it, a presence on LinkedIn can help raise brand awareness and lead to sales.
However, sharing the odd company blog here and there no longer cuts it when it comes to building your social media presence.
After all, people buy from people, not brands.
LinkedIn provides an excellent opportunity to tell your connections more about you. That way, when they need products or services, you’ll be the first person they think of.
Sometimes thinking of the right things to talk about on LinkedIn can be tricky.
I’ve been there myself many times – staring at the screen, wondering what to write!
With this in mind, I’ve put together a month of LinkedIn post prompts to inspire you, grow your connections and showcase your personal brand.
(By the way, want to say hello on LinkedIn? Here’s my profile!)
Day 1: Introduce yourself on LinkedIn and say hello to your connections
People may be following you, but do they know anything about you?
This LinkedIn prompt is a brilliant opportunity to say hi and talk more about what you do.
Tell your connections how you can help them in their professional or personal lives. Keep it short and keep it simple.
Why not invite your connections to introduce themselves too? This is an excellent opportunity to not only learn more about the people you follow, but get some engagement.
Day 2: Follow three brands you admire
Did you know that you can follow companies as well as people on LinkedIn?
Following companies will add extra variety to your newsfeed and give you lots of inspiration for future posts.
For day two’s LinkedIn prompt, find three companies you like and click the follow button.
They can be big international organisations or small local companies… completely up to you!
Most companies have a presence on LinkedIn – just search and see what comes up.
Alternatively, when your connections like and comment on company posts, these may appear in your newsfeed.
Day 3: Share a tip to help those on your chosen career path
Many young people are creating profiles on LinkedIn. It’s estimated that 10% of LinkedIn users are Gen Zers, those born between 1997 and 2012.
Your LinkedIn prompt for day three: what advice would you give young people wanting to get started in your role?
What books should they read? What courses should they sign up for? Which people should they be following?
Share something you wish someone had told you when you were starting out.
Day 4: Tell an interesting fact that people may not know about you
Telling your connections a fun fact about yourself can be a great icebreaker and make you more memorable.
That way, if someone needs a product or service, you’ll be the first person they think of!
Choose your facts carefully. You may be able to down a pint in thirty seconds, but LinkedIn isn’t the place to share this!
If you’re stuck for something to write for your day four LinkedIn prompt, here are some ideas:
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- What was your first job?
- What would be the first thing you’d buy if you won the lottery?
- What is your most memorable experience?
- What hobbies do you have, or what do you like to do out of work?
- Which celebrity would you most like to have dinner with?
Day 5: Ask your followers a question about themselves
Did you know that we’re genetically hardwired to enjoy talking about ourselves?
Telling people about ourselves makes us feel good in the same way that delicious food does.
Make the most of this by asking your followers a question they’re itching to answer.
Not only will this make them remember who you are, but it will also mean your post appears on other people’s newsfeeds.
If you’re stuck for an idea for a LinkedIn prompt, why not use one of the suggestions from day four?
Day 6: Like ten posts on your feed
Being successful on LinkedIn isn’t just about posting. It’s important to engage with other people. One of the easiest ways to do this is to like their posts.
When you like a post, the post author gets a notification saying you interacted with their message. It’s a quick and easy way to get noticed.
Like Facebook, you can react to a post in different ways too – you can ‘love’, ‘celebrate’ or even ‘support’ someone’s thoughts.
Take the time to like ten different posts on your feed today, ideally by ten different people.
Day 7: Comment on someone else’s post
You’re officially one week into your LinkedIn writing prompts – how is it going so far?
Hopefully you now have a more high-quality newsfeed, feel more confident about posting, and have some brand-new connections!
Social media is a two-way street. It’s not just about talking about yourself but engaging with others too.
Commenting on other people’s posts makes more people aware of you. When you comment, you appear on other people’s news feeds, amplifying your reach.
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, find a post that you like and comment on it.
While it’s okay to disagree with someone’s opinion, be respectful and not offensive.
You want to make friends on LinkedIn, not force people to hit the ‘block button’!
Day 8: Talk about the company you work for
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, tell your followers about your employer and why you like working there.
Don’t forget to tag your company if they have a LinkedIn page. More engagement for both you and your business – it’s a win-win!
If you’re freelance, talk about the products or services you provide, and how they can improve your followers’ lives.
Day 9: Who inspires you the most?
Who has made you who you are today? This can be anyone from a family member, your manager, or even someone famous you look up to.
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, talk about who they are and the important life lessons you have learnt from them.
If they’re on LinkedIn, don’t forget to tag them!
Day 10: Share a story from a news website and give your opinion on it
The great thing about social media is that it allows you to be reactive; you can have your say on news stories and articles as they break.
Search your favourite news website for a story that interests you and share it on LinkedIn alongside your thoughts on it.
You don’t have to write loads about it, just a sentence or two about whether you agree or disagree.
Day 11: Send a connection request to someone whose posts you like
Is there someone on LinkedIn who inspires you? If the answer is yes, send them a connection request.
When you send a connection request to someone, you can attach a short message to explain why you want to connect with them. You don’t have to fill this in, but it can be a nice way to introduce yourself.
(Bear in mind that if you’re on the free version of LinkedIn, you can only send a limited number of personalised requests a month.)
If they don’t follow you back, don’t take it personally. Some people on LinkedIn only connect with people they’re directly acquainted with.
Others are really slow at connecting – I once sent a connection request to someone, and they followed me back… five months later!
Day 12. Talk about your favourite quote and what it means to you
Quotes can do a lot. They can inspire us to push forward and encourage us to stay grounded.
If you have a favourite quote, now is the time to share it with the people you’re connected with on LinkedIn.
Whether it’s Gary Vaynerchuck or Vin Diesel, share your most inspirational quote with your connections and explain why it means so much to you.
Stuck for inspiration? Here are some good quotes to get you started.
Day 13. What is the most important advice you would give someone starting out in the same career as you?
Think back to the first day of your professional life. What advice would have helped you get the best start in your career?
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, share that advice with your network. You never know; it might help someone who wants to take the first step into the same professional career as you.
Here’s a handy tip. Use hashtags to boost the reach of your post.
When you use specific hashtags, people who have subscribed to that hashtag will see your advice in their feed, even if they aren’t connected with you.
Stick to three or fewer hashtags per post, and add them to the end of your post for the best results.
(Don’t do what this person on LinkedIn did!)
Day 14: What achievement (either personal or professional) are you most proud of?
LinkedIn is a fantastic place to tell people about your achievements. Whether you got a promotion at work or gained a new qualification, it’s the place to show it off!
There’s been an interesting change in LinkedIn over the past few years. It’s become a place where you can talk about your personal achievements too.
Births, marriages, house moves… it’s all good. A few people will complain that ‘this isn’t Facebook’, but just ignore them!
Your LinkedIn prompt for day 14 is to tell your network what achievement you are most proud of and why.
Mine was successfully submitting an emoji proposal to Unicode!
Post a photo too if you feel confident doing so.
Day 15: *FREE SPACE* Post about anything you like
As we’re halfway through our LinkedIn prompts, take what you’ve learnt so far and post something of your own choosing.
If you’re stuck for something to talk about – tell your connections about the LinkedIn prompts you are following and how they’ve helped you create content for your profile.
(Bonus points if you share a link to this page!)
Day 16: Share a post that you like and provide your own feedback on it
An awesome way to inspire debate on LinkedIn is to share someone else’s post and add your thoughts.
This not only increases views for both you and the original poster, but can help boost you as a thought leader in your industry.
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, hit the share button on a post you like and write a few sentences about it.
Keep it positive though; it’s not cool to share someone’s post and negatively critique it.
Day 17: Post what you love the most about your job
With controversial topics and divisive opinions, LinkedIn can sometimes get a little negative.
One in five people under the age of 38 admit they would be likely to get in an argument online.
Buck the trend of negativity on social by posting positive things.
For example, post what you like the most about your job. Whether it’s the flexibility, the pay packet, or the great people you work with, share your favourite perks!
Work freelance? Share what you like the most about working for yourself!
Day 18: Create a top-five list
Did you ever read High Fidelity? The main character and the people he works with are obsessed with making lists of their favourite albums, films, and TV shows.
Lists can be a fantastic way to inspire debate and encourage other people to have their say.
Create your own top five list about anything you like – your favourite places to visit, the best jobs you’ve had, your favourite food.
Then, ask your connections to comment with their top five too.
Day 19: Discuss your morning, evening or working routine
One of the things that is often mocked on LinkedIn is people talking about their ridiculous morning routines.
The entrepreneurs who get up at half three in the morning, do two hours of yoga, and eat steamed kale for their breakfast before hopping on a Zoom call!
However, in our experience, people’s morning routines are a little more normal. For day 19’s LinkedIn prompt, take the time to post about your routine.
It doesn’t matter if you get up at nine, drink five coffees, and stumble into the shower before turning on your PC; let your followers get to know your human side.
Day 20: Share something funny
LinkedIn isn’t just for job updates and corporate news stories. It’s also a place to share memes, funny anecdotes, and work-related jokes!
Laughter is officially good for us. It boosts oxygen intake, decreases our blood pressure, and can even enhance our immune system… what’s not to love?
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, take the time to post something that makes you smile.
Stuck for ideas? Why not check out xkcd or the Marketoonist?
Day 21: Share an interesting statistic
36% of all social media posts are made better by statistics!
Okay, I might have made that up, but the point stands: a good stat can add authority and legitimacy to your post.
For the start of week three of this LinkedIn prompts guide, find a statistic you like and share it with your connections.
It can be something to do with your job, the industry you work in, or just something you find interesting!
Good sources to find stats include YouGov, Statista, and the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
Day 22: Recommend one of your connections on LinkedIn
When you recommend someone on LinkedIn, you’re writing a review about what they’re like to work with and which of their skills you value the most.
Think of it like a giant virtual thumbs-up!
Today, take the time to recommend one of your 1st degree connections. Make sure it’s someone you know in real life or have worked with before so you can write an honest recommendation.
Bear in mind that not everyone allows recommendations on their profile, so don’t panic if you can’t write one.
Bonus points if they write an recommendation for you too!
Day 23: Share a photo
LinkedIn posts with photos get twice as much engagement as those without.
This means uploading an image can mean an increased reach, as well as more likes, comments, and shares.
Which photo to share? It’s up to you. Selfies do well on LinkedIn, but some people don’t feel confident posting them.
Alternatively, why not share a photo of your home office, a view that inspires you, or a cute picture of the family pet? I’m a sucker for sharing photos of the coffees I’ve drank!
Day 24: Thank someone you’re connected with on LinkedIn
Like other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, you can tag other people in your posts by typing ‘@’ and their name.
This is a terrific way to boost engagement, which means more eyes on your content.
For today’s LinkedIn prompt, tag someone whose posts you enjoy. They might post things that make you laugh, inspire you, or help you be more productive in your day-to-day work.
Day 25: Talk about your favourite mobile phone app and why you like it
Did you know the average person has 40 apps installed on their smartphone? Even more interestingly, 90% of people’s time is split between 18 of those apps!
For day 25 of this LinkedIn prompts guide, dig deep into your phone and tell your connections which mobile app is your favourite.
It could be an app for your favourite social media platform, a game that helps you wind down after work, or a fitness app that helps you manage your gym workouts.
Day 26: Find a LinkedIn post that inspires you and write a follow-on post
Found a post that you love on LinkedIn? Why not use it as a jumping-off point for your own content?
Today, find a post that someone has written; it can be someone in your industry, a thought leader, or someone you admire. Then, write some content inspired by that post.
Don’t forget to tag the person that inspired you so they can check out how they’ve inspired you!
Day 27: Introduce someone from your department to your followers and encourage them to connect with them
Social media platforms like LinkedIn aren’t just brilliant places to showcase yourself; you can also use them to promote the people you know.
Tag someone you work with and introduce them to your network. Explain what they do and ask your connections to reach out to them and say hello. You get a boost, they get a boost… it’s a win-win!
If you’re a freelancer or don’t have anyone from your department on LinkedIn, introduce your connections to someone you work closely with. For example, a client or fellow freelancer.
Day 28: Talk about a book you read or a podcast you listened to
Whether you work in marketing, sales, or operations, it’s essential to keep your knowledge sharp. Reading books and listening to podcasts can be a wonderful way to freshen up your skillset.
Take the time for today’s LinkedIn prompt to share your favourite podcast or book with your connections.
Tell them what you like about it, where they can find it and the most important thing you’ve learned.
Not currently reading or listening to anything? No worries!
Ask your followers what books and podcasts they’d recommend – they get to talk about themselves, you get good engagement, as well as some brand new ideas about how to sharpen your skillset.
Everyone’s a winner!
Day 29: Tell your connections about a hobby that you have outside of work
Earlier on in the article, I mentioned that you don’t just have to stick to professional topics on LinkedIn; it’s perfectly acceptable to talk about your personal life.
It helps your connections to trust you, which in turn can drive sales.
Today, talk about a hobby you have and why you enjoy it. It can be anything from baking to basketball.
Extra bonus points for uploading a photo or video!
Day 30: Share a video that you like, and explain why you like it
Did you know you can share videos on LinkedIn? You can upload a video directly to the platform or add a link from YouTube.
Here’s an interesting fact for you: videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than text and images put together.
So share videos with your followers, and see your engagement grow!
For your final day of this LinkedIn prompts guide, share a video you like. This could be a tutorial, an advertisement, or even a funny comedy clip.
Then, provide a brief explanation about why you enjoy it.
Prompts for LinkedIn posts? Check!
I hope this guide to LinkedIn prompts has given you lots of inspiration when it comes to social media!
Remember, if you need help creating social media content for your blog, I’m here to support you.
From posts to profiles, I can create high-quality copy that drives engagement and showcases your brand.
Contact me today to find out more.